Riley B. 25 exercises 13 followers
Audio of a 1994 vocal training session between Michael Jackson and legendary vocal coach Seth Riggs has floated around YouTube for years. Here is the exercise list for this session. Each exercise has a link to the audio on YouTube so you can hear it demonstrated by the King of Pop himself. These exercises are the epitome of advanced Speech-Level Singing practice. Most people will need to work their way up to this, so be sure to limit the range and tempo to what you're comfortable. It's crazy they jam this entire list of 25 exercises into 25 minutes of practice. That's a bit short for me so I set each exercise to 2 minutes. You can get through this in under an hour.
Jay T. 10 exercises 11 followers
This is a companion for quickly practicing through exercises demonstrated in Justin Stoney's excellent Mix Voice series on YouTube. The video in each exercise instructions is set to start at the actual practice demonstration. If you're new to this I suggest watching the full videos (and check out Justin's outstanding channel).
Ry G. 10 exercises 8 followers
Here's an exercise playlist from Freya Casey's 10 Minute Vocal Warm Up on YouTube. Links to her video demos are in each exercise's instructions.
Here's a quick 30 minute vocal warmup exercise list demonstrated by Ramsey Voice Studio on YouTube. A link to the video demo is included with each exercise in its instructions. If you're not familiar with Matt Ramsey, he tends to focus on traditional speech-level singing techniques (SLS), which can help you to develop a good mix between your head and chest registers for a modern pop sound. This is a safe and effective warm-up.